Fast T1.5 T stop, good for low light filming
Nearly no breathing during focus pulls
Very pleasing image character across the Iris range and usable wide open
T1.5 through to T22 Iris range
Use of aspherical elements and modern coatings, nicely corrected image, exceptionally low chromatic abberations
Newly designed large format cinema glass
Image circle of 46.7mm covers FF35, VistaVision and Red Dragon 8K VV
Clearly marked focus and iris scales on both sides of the lenses
Consistent 114mm front outer diameter, good for efficient matte box use
Lenses also feature a 112mm screw-in filter size (Excluding Vista 18mm)
Consistent length of lenses, good for quick lens changes
Consistent length of lens during focus pull, swing away matte box stays put
9 bladed Iris for rounded bokeh aesthetic
No image shift during focus pull
Robust construction materials, good for long term use and ownership
Shimmable mount